Blog Post #4 – Working From Home

Due to the pandemic, the last year and a half has shown a large shift for many working professionals to working from home. Everyone who has had to work from home, whether it be for 2 months or 18 months, has an opinion on the benefits and downsides. I would create a social media campaign encouraging companies to start giving the option to its’ employees: where employees can choose to work from home or in the office. As Rossotto states in his article, there are numerous benefits to working from home. While this environment helps the creativity of some, it can be really damaging to others.

Prior to creating this campaign, I would start reading other articles similar to Rossotto’s. I also would start looking into social media groups of working professionals working from home, and create forums and polls asking their opinions and preferences. I also would look into companies that are currently giving the option of either at-home or in-office work, and look at the models they are using to apply this to their companies.

Works Cited

Rossotto, Alberto. “Working from home is just different.” Medium, Oct 15, 2021.


  1. tanvirmanak

    Hey Foster! Great post, I love the idea of having the option to work from home or the office.
    You can also choose to work two days in office, and three at home that way you can get some social interaction and catch up with co-workers.
    It would also be really helpful for parents to work from home because then they don’t have to spend money on daycares and nannies!

    • foster1

      Oh interesting, that’s a really good system! I would push back a little bit on that though, because I think one of the difficult things for work-from-home parents is finding the boundary that just because they’re at home, doesn’t mean they can be watching the kids. Work time still has to be work time, otherwise they’ll never get anything done!

      But if you mean in terms of cutting commute time, flexible hours, etc. then I totally agree!

  2. Justine

    Hey Foster,
    I totally agree that there are pros and cons to the remote lifestyle. One theme that has stuck with me the past year and a half has been mental health. Due to the isolation we all went through, I know I wasn’t the only one who struggled with mental health issues. All of a sudden, the connections I’d made over the past three years were no longer as accessible, and I found social media to help only a little bit. However, with the return to school this fall, I found myself wishing I was at home in my sweats, barely listening to a lecture while I did my dishes. We can’t have it all, but I’m seeing some fo the best of both worlds in some of my new lectures.

    • foster1

      Haha totally! My favorite thing every day is getting home and changing out of my jeans and into sweats! I agree that often the grass does seem greener, but I think we are fortunate to be back in person with all the experience we had over the year online. As much as I love my sweatpants, I would much rather brave the jeans and be able to see people and learn in a classroom setting. 🙂

  3. yufeili

    Hi Foster,
    I appreciate your blog very much. At the same time, this is a very good choice because many people have to work from home in the context of the epidemic. This has many advantages but also has many disadvantages.

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